What is ketosis

What Is Ketosis? How To Follow A Ketogenic Diet Plan

What is ketosis
What is ketosis

What Is Ketosis? How To Follow A ketogenic Diet Plan

    I get asked what is ketosis pretty often. My girlfriend  asked me recently about it. I was on my way and out the door and knew I couldn’t answer it properly. What is keto and what is a ketogenic diet plan is both a simple and very complicated question. For such a fundamental part of the human physiology to still have so little known is mind blowing.  

The ketosis definition from Wikipedia is 

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, adequate-protein, low-carbohydrate diet that in medicine is used primarily to treat difficult-to-control (refractory) epilepsy in children. The diet forces the body to burn fats rather than carbohydrates.

Being in ketosis means that your body has switched from a glucose burning system to a fat burning one. 

How To Get Into Ketosis

    The super easy answer for you nonreading mongoloids is this Eat under 20 grams of carbs, Eat between .6 and 1 gram of Protein per Pound Of Bodyweight and Have the rest of your calories come from healthy Fats. 

That is a very simplified version of What is ketosis. To be more specific you will need to use a macro calculator to determine your actual macros to aim for. Also, you will need to track the food you eat on a ketogenic diet plan. 

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3 Day Fast Tips And Tricks You Can Use To Survive

3 Day Fast Tips And Tricks You Can Use To Survive

3 Day Fast Tips And Tricks You Can Use To Survive

How long have you been without food? In your whole life? For many this is only a few hours. The idea of going without food terrifies people. I’ve been kicking around the idea of doing a 3 day fast for years now. The timing never seemed to fit though. I couldn’t face deliberately not going without food. I had leftover fears from my time being homeless. Not knowing when your next meal will come will  rattle you.

While listening to an episode of the Tim Ferriss Show he said that he does a 3 day fast once a month. It was the reason for the fast that pushed me to try it. It is not for the many health benefits but for  reasons picked up from Stoic philosophy. He has a podcast about it called How to practice poverty and reduce fear. It was the fear reduction I was most interesting.

I will talk about the health benefits in this article. There are many. It is not, however, our main concern. We will be focusing on overcoming the fear of hunger and gaining the knowledge that you can do a 3 day fast. 3 days, 72 is the time frame we focus on most in prepping. The first 72 hours are the most critical in a disaster. You need to be thinking clearly to increase your survivability. Dealing with a disaster while being hangry would suck.


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fighting off winter colds

Fighting Off Winter Colds

fighting off winter colds
fighting off winter colds


Cold weather means getting a cold. For most people anyway. With a few measures can beat them. The body is good at fighting off winter colds if you give it a chance. I have a few things I do when I’m starting to feel sick. I rarely get sick. When I do I can figure out what I did to compromise my immunity.

Today Ill share some of my methods with you to fight off winter colds.


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Wheat Nutrient Dense

Nutrient Dense VS. Calorie Dense



Wheat Nutrient Dense

These two terms are often confused. Nutrient dense and calorie dense are often completely separate. While you are getting enough calories you are not getting enough nutrients. This makes you crave more food. It is one of the reasons for overeating. Your body craves the missing nutrients. As you keep piling in food lacking in nutrients you stay hungry.

I heard recently that wheat was calorie dense. I almost snapped out. This common myth is so pervasive. If you ask ten people on the street if wheat is nutrient dense you will get 9 yes’. Why do so many think wheat is good for you. You will get many answers. Mostly we have relied on grains for the growth of civilization for thousands of years. It’s always been done. Tradition. I’m here to break that today.

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Ebola Virus Ebola Outbreak

Ebola Outbreak In Texas! Keep Calm And Prep On

Ebola Outbreak here in the US? No not yet. Honestly probably never will. Keep calm and continue to prep. Did you come to Survivalpunk today worried about the Ebola outbreak in Texas. By  Ebola outbreak I mean 1 confirmed and 1 suspected case at this time. I have not looked but I’m sure there are people trying to make a buck off this already. I’m here today to calm people down. I’ll share some Ebola facts with you.

I’m not even worried about an Ebola Outbreak. Not in the current state of the virus. If it mutates into a worse strain then maybe. Why am I so calm about Ebola. Why am I not running around buying N95 respirator masks? I went and got the facts about Ebola. I talked with an expert in the field. You can check out that interview with Dr. Bones and Nurse Amy Here. Let’s dig into a few reasons  to be not scared.


Ebola Virus Ebola Outbreak
Ebola Virus

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