
Sameplate For Finding A Love

As many of you know I am a single guy. Being such a great catch you may find this absurd. Well I am very picky and have some eccentricities. A big one being that I’m paleo. I feel very strongly about my diet. I completely believe that humans are not supposed to eat grains. So going on a date and seeing my date devour toxic garbage for food is a turn off.

Most dating sites glance over diets and food. It may mention food in passing. On Sameplate it’s all about food. Sameplate is a dating site for foodies, cooks and dieters.


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Exo Bars

Exo Bars: Cricket Flour Protein Bars

Exo Bars
Exo Bars

I’ve talked about the Exo bars before. I wanted to try some but never got around to it. Recently I shot them an email to see if they would send out some for review. They got them right out to me. I decided to do this review a little different. Normally I will open an item and take lots of pictures. Tell you all about what I thought about the flavor. Not this time. Exo has a goal to make eating insects normal. They want it to go mainstream in America.

In America eating bugs has become such a taboo. Like I’ve written about before I have eaten bugs often. None of this when I have to I will crap. As Coach Nick Says I live the brand. So I wanted to help Exo with their goal. I had a lot of friends try the Exo bars. People that have never eaten bugs before. In a small way I wanted to turn a simple review into a way to open eyes. How did it go? How are the bars? Let’s find out.

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Ingredients Paleo Pancakes

Paleo Pancakes Made Easy

I saw an image on the internet a while back about 2 ingredient pancakes. I don’t care much for recipes. I just went and tried it. Bananas and eggs were the only ingredients. I mashed one banana and mixed with an egg and cooked in a skillet. When I tried to flip over my paleo pancake it fell apart. It looked like a dog got ahold of it.  The paleo pancake was delicious though.

Today I decided to tackle it again. This time I’ll make a decent paleo pancake. Same two ingredients as last time. New techniques. How did it turn out this time? Lets find out!

Ingredients Paleo Pancakes

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Caveman Is this Paleo

Is This Paleo? Can I Eat This?

The most important work I’ve done in my life has been to inspire others to get healthy. I’ve spread the paleo msg since starting Survivalpunk. Over the years some have listened to that msg. They have decided to follow me down the paleo rabbit hole. Badass! I have emails and text msgs about feeling better and losing weight. Every time I think I’m spinning my wheels with this whole thing they lift me up. You are why I’m compelled to keep on preaching the paleo word. There is another kind of msg I get often though. Is this paleo? Can I eat this? I get those questions so often. I try not to get aggravated though. They are making a huge leap into a world they don’t know. It’s also a mistake on my part for not teaching the bigger picture. So today I’m going to try to teach a little better to help y’all out.

Paleo Flow Chart Is this paleo
Paleo Flow Chart

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Paleo Survival Ration Bars

Paleo Survival Ration Bar

Everyone in the Survival community has seen the Survival ration bars. Mainstays, Datrex and others. I have eaten the mainstay bars before. Not bad really. Very dry though. Also the bars have many ingredients I’m not going to eat. Not only is it not paleo it’s full of chemicals. There is a better homemade version going around mostly made with oatmeal. I saw that recipe recently on a website. While reading the article my mind was already working. I began thinking about how to make a paleo survival ration bar immediately. I made a test one to give to people to try. The reactions to the paleo survival ration bar were good enough to run with for me. So let’s make a paleo survival ration bar.


Paleo Survival Ration Bars
Paleo Survival Ration Bar

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